
The practical and secure app for your income-expenditure account in Austria

The Advantages

Problems of the income-expenditure calculation – this is how europlusminus helps

Systematic document recording and tax-relevant evaluations.

Capture what? How to capture? What sums, what key figures? What data is required? Lack of clarity on these issues leads to unclear records, lack of information and tedious extra work in re-processing and replenishing the data. Save time and nerves with eurplusminus by systematically collecting all relevant information and further evaluating your tax returns.

Important tax-relevant tips and reminders.

Have you thought of everything? Everything in sight? europlusminus informs you in good time about important tax-related issues such as reaching important sales limits and reminds you of important deadlines and due invoices. This allows you to react in time and avoid unpleasant surprises in retrospect, such as additional post-taxation or late-payments.

The income-expenditure account always with you.

No time and no desire to sit down for “accounting” after the actual work or in the evening or on weekends? You always have your mobile phone with you, with eurplusminus this also applies to your income and expenditure invoice. Photograph and pre-capture receipts from anywhere and complete the entries whenever you have the time. You can also access your income-expenditure invoice from your work corner on the computer via the web access.

Secure storage of data, secure data protection.

The Federal Tax Code imposes certain requirements on the recording of revenue-expenditure invoices. Excel and other self-contained records often fail to meet these requirements. In the worst case scenario, fines and estimates from the tax office threaten. europlusminus stores the data in accordance with the legal requirements and recording obligations, all of which are of course encrypted and GDPR-compliant.

App Features

The power of europlusminus

Digitalisiertes Belegarchiv

Mit europlusminus Rechnungsbelege digital sichern und aufbewahren.
Mit dem digitalen Archiv kann der gesetzlichen Aufbewahrungspflicht einfach nachgekommen werden.

Offene Rechnungen im Blick

Damit Zahlungen möglichst nicht übersehen werden.
Eine praktische Übersicht aller offenen Rechnungen und ihre Fälligkeiten.


Einträge werden automatisch zwischengespeichert und können später vervollständigt werden.
Praktisch vor allem für unterwegs und zwischendurch: zum Beispiel Beleg abfotografieren und die restlichen Daten nachtragen, wann immer man dann Zeit hat.


Your costs for europlusminus

Try europlusminus for a six month period free of charge! Afterwards costs are

when charged monthly

€ 20

per month (net)

(€ 24 gross)

This equals € 240 net per year
(€ 288 gross)

when charged annually

€ 16,67

per month (net)

(€ 20 gross)

This equals € 200 net per year
(€ 240 gross)

Payment is handled through Play Store and App Store. After the free trial period payment is required for the chosen billing period in advance.

About us

Who is behind europlusminus

europlusminus is designed and developed by Additio Accounting Applications GmbH. Managing Director Christian Trethan is also an independent tax consultant and therefore knows what matters when it comes to the income-expenditure account.

“Income-expenditure calculators often have their hands full with their actual activity. “Accounting” is then a necessary and painful evil that you don’t want to deal with, but you have to. Our europlusminus app is designed to make the income-expenditure calculation as simple and user-friendly as possible, while at the same time allowing users to rely on a secure and professional tool at their side. “ Christian Trethan, Managing Director of Additio Accounting Applications GmbH

Interested? Download now!

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